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Here you will see how to change your ad blocker settings to allow ads on CardGames.io. We have instructions for two of the most popular ad blockers, AdBlock Plus and AdBlock. If you're not sure which one you have, just look at the images, and see which icon in the toolbar looks most like your toolbar icon. The images are from the Chrome browser, but Internet Explorer, Edge, Firefox and Safari all have similar toolbar icons for the ad blockers.

AdBlock Plus

This is the most popular ad blocker, and it's very easy to turn it off for one site.

1. Click on the AdBlock Plus icon in the upper right corner of your browser. On some browsers the icon might be to the left of the address bar instead, but it will look similar.

2. Click on the text "Enabled on this site", which is shown with a red box around it in the picture below.

3. After you click it that text should say "Disabled on this site". That's it, you're done. Thank you, we appreciate you turning your blocker off!


This is another very popular blocker. It's a bit more complicated for this one, but not too bad.

1. Click on the AdBlock icon in the upper right corner of your browser. On some browsers the icon might be to the left of the address bar instead, but it will look similar.

2. Click on the text "Don't run on pages this site", which is shown with a red box around it in the picture below. On some browsers that text might be "Don't run on pages on this domain" instead.

3. Then you get this dialog. Don't change any options there, just click on the "Exclude" button, which the arrow points to in the image below. That's it, you're done. Thank you, we appreciate you turning your blocker off!

We have an app now!


We've created a new CardGames.io app for your tabletphone! All the games from the website, in fullscreen mode, with more characters! Would you like to get the app?

Welcome to the Matrix.


Happy Star Wars Day! May the 4th be with you!

Don't like Star Wars? Click here to turn the theme off. Or come on over to our Facebook community group and tell us all about it.

Happy Halloween! Don't like the Halloween theme? Click here to turn the theme off. Or come on over to our Facebook community group and tell us all about it.
Happy Easter! Don't like the Easter theme? Click here to turn the theme off. Or come on over to our Facebook community group and tell us all about it.
Happy Thanksgiving! Don't like the Thanksgiving theme? Click here to turn the theme off. Or come on over to our Facebook community group and tell us all about it.
Don't like the Christmas theme? Click here to turn the theme off. Or come on over to our Facebook community group and tell us all about it.
Don't like the New Years theme? Click here to turn the theme off. Just want to get rid of the fireworks? Press here to stop them. You can also come on over to our Facebook community group and tell us all about it.

This is version 1.29.2 of CardGames.io.

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Game failed to load

The primary script that runs our games seems to not have loaded, somehow.

This is in despite of the fact other scripts seem to have loaded up just fine.

This issue has been automatically reported and we're looking into it, but we'd be very grateful if you could send a report to support@cardgames.io with any further detail you can think of, including if you're running any script-blocking extensions, ad-blockers, or if your browser is set to block specific types of scripts.