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These are the users you have blocked

You have no users blocked at this time. Click on a user's face during a game to block them. A blocked user can't challenge you in two player games, and can't join any table you're sitting at in 4 player games. If you block someone by accident then you can always come to this page and unblock them again.


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Blocked Users

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We have an app now!


We've created a new CardGames.io app for your tabletphone! All the games from the website, in fullscreen mode, with more characters! Would you like to get the app?

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Happy Star Wars Day! May the 4th be with you!

Don't like Star Wars? Click here to turn the theme off. Or come on over to our Facebook community group and tell us all about it.

Happy Halloween! Don't like the Halloween theme? Click here to turn the theme off. Or come on over to our Facebook community group and tell us all about it.
Happy Easter! Don't like the Easter theme? Click here to turn the theme off. Or come on over to our Facebook community group and tell us all about it.
Happy Thanksgiving! Don't like the Thanksgiving theme? Click here to turn the theme off. Or come on over to our Facebook community group and tell us all about it.
Don't like the Christmas theme? Click here to turn the theme off. Or come on over to our Facebook community group and tell us all about it.
Don't like the New Years theme? Click here to turn the theme off. Just want to get rid of the fireworks? Press here to stop them. You can also come on over to our Facebook community group and tell us all about it.

What are "Blocked Users" ?

In multiplayer games you sometimes end up in games with people that are trying to ruin the game, or behaving badly in some way. If you know you never want to play against a certain player again then you can click on his player face during the game and click on the "Block" button that appears. After that the player you blocked can no longer challenge you in 2 player games, and can no longer join your table in 4 player games.

Some users also harass others by constantly challenging them in 2 player games like Checkers or Chess. If you've declined a challenge twice in a row from another player then you can block him the next time he challenges you. The challenge dialog will have an extra button, "Block User", that you can press to block him from challenging you again.

Of course it's always possible to block someone by accident, so if you do that, or if you just want to give someone another chance then you can come to this page, see which players you've blocked, and choose to unblock some of them. You can get to this page by clicking on Options, and then clicking the "Blocked users" link there, or on a phone you'll see a "Blocked users" menu item in the main menu.

This is version 1.31.4 of CardGames.io.

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